We would like to extend a thank you to School Council for the wonderful opportunity council is providing for ALL of our students to attend plays at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.
The students in grades JK to 3-4 will be seeing Aesop's Fables on February 2 and the students in grades 4-5 to 8 will be seeing, The Spirit of Harriet Tubman on February 10. Both plays begin at 10:00 a.m.
The permission forms have already been sent home and if parents are interested in volunteering for these field trips, please fill out the bottom section of the field trip form and return it to your child's home room teacher.
Please note that in order to volunteer, all adults must have a Vulnerable Sector Screening Check on file here in the school office. As well, parents are asked to meet the school at the theatre on the day of the play. Teachers will notify parents if they have been selected to attend the play.
Please note that in order to volunteer, all adults must have a Vulnerable Sector Screening Check on file here in the school office. As well, parents are asked to meet the school at the theatre on the day of the play. Teachers will notify parents if they have been selected to attend the play.