Modern Learning is authentic, relevant, deep
learning that enables learners to create, to connect, to communicate, to share their
learning with the world and be ready for the future.
One of the goals for the York Region District School Board is
to ensure that all our students are receiving the tools that
they need to be ready for their future through a focus on
Modern Learning outlined in the graphic above through
Vision, Mindsets, Deep Learning and Skills.
At Bayview Fairways P.S. we are well on our way to
providing this modern learning experience to our students
through our approach on growth mindsets, our focus on
life learning situations and integrating technology as a
social skills in classrooms and in programs provided by our
Child and Youth Workers, and our use of problem solving
models to help students make sense of problems in all
subjects. We are engaging our students by encouraging real-
life learning situations and integrating technology as a
modern-day learning tool that motivates their interest.
Our students have been engaging in creating code to design computer programs for minecraft and teachers are introducing our students to a math, "Prodigy" program connected directly to the Ontario curriculum. In addition, we are working towards turning our Library into a, "Learning Commons" with many exciting spaces for our students to use, such as; a green screen area to create videos and a makerspace to create items that students are interested in and might form the basis of an inquiry project. We are very excited about these opportunities at Bayview Fairways.